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Wanderlodge Forum

Messages In This Digest (9 Messages)


Headlights out on the road! Help?
From: Greg Young


Re: Headlights out on the road! Help?
From: pattypape


Re: Headlights out on the road! Help?
From: sfedeli3


Re: kool o"matic roof fan
From: Joyce and Richard Hayden


Re: kool o"matic roof fan
From: Ernie Ekberg


Re: kool o"matic roof fan
From: Joyce and Richard Hayden


Re: kool o"matic roof fan
From: Leroy Eckert


Re: kool o"matic roof fan
From: Ernie Ekberg


Franconia Notch State Park NH - informal mini rally
From: Bill Garamella



Headlights out on the road! Help?

Posted by: "Greg Young"


Fri Jun5,2009 8:28am (PDT)

[Attachment(s) from Greg Young included below]


We are in month 2 of our 6 month tour, and lost our headlights two days ago while driving. We made it into camp at 10pm on the driving lights. It's the dashboard headlight switch - it was getting flaky and I'm pretty sure it burned up, possibly along with connectors. I researched through the forum and the only part number for the switch I could find was NAPA HL6669. The local NAPA store didn't have it so I looked it up online and the only match I could find appears to be a split toggle switch - which will definitely not fit in the dash to replace the pull up design in our 86 PT-40.

We will not be able to park long enough for me to disassemble the dash and get to the parts so I can match them up until Monday (we'll be doing only daylight driving until then). Can anyone advise a source and part numbers for the correct switch and connectors so that I can have them at hand when we park? I'm dedicating a day to the effort and am willing to pay overnight shipping so that we get the parts. I'll also be doing the headlight relay upgrade at the time...

Thanks for all your help and experience!

Greg Young

86 PT-40 "Bluefire"

Currently in Harrington ME, bound to Sheldon Spings VT and Niagara Falls NY (where the repairs will be done)

(760) 807-1727

Each time you judge yourself you break your heart.

-Kirpal Venanji

Attachment(s) from Greg Young

1 of 1 Photo(s)


Re: Headlights out on the road! Help?

Posted by: "pattypape"


Fri Jun5,2009 12:31pm (PDT)

Greg, that is the NAPA number for our 88 FC.

It is a GM headlight switch, a split rocker switch. Headlights and parking lights, Ihave info on a pull up switch.

Bill 88 FC Michigan

--- In "", Greg Young wrote:


> Hi!


> We are in month 2 of our 6 month tour, and lost our headlights two days ago while driving. We made it into camp at 10pm on the driving lights. It's the dashboard headlight switch - it was getting flaky and I'm pretty sure it burned up, possibly along with connectors. I researched through the forum and the only part number for the switch I could find was NAPA HL6669. The local NAPA store didn't have it so I looked it up online and the only match I could find appears to be a split toggle switch - which will definitely not fit in the dash to replace the pull up design in our 86 PT-40.


> We will not be able to park long enough for me to disassemble the dash and get to the parts so I can match them up until Monday (we'll be doing only daylight driving until then). Can anyone advise a source and part numbers for the correct switch and connectors so that I can have them at hand when we park? I'm dedicating a day to the effort and am willing to pay overnight shipping so that we get the parts. I'll also be doing the headlight relay upgrade at the time...


> Thanks for all your help and experience!

> Greg Young

> 86 PT-40 "Bluefire"

> Currently in Harrington ME, bound to Sheldon Spings VT and Niagara Falls NY (where the repairs will be done)

> (760) 807-1727


> Each time you judge yourself you break your heart.

> -Kirpal Venanji



Re: Headlights out on the road! Help?

Posted by: "sfedeli3"


Fri Jun5,2009 5:57pm (PDT)

Hi Greg,

Just tried calling you- but voice mail was not setup on your phone yet. Had the same problem last summer and replaced the switch with a stock one from Advance Auto. I seem to recall that it fit the spec for an '84 Caprice. Just about any switch with the same threaded shaft will work- you just pull the connectors off the spades and put them on the new one. Eventually, you want to re-work the parking and tail lights as well as the headlights using Bosch relays. They will all be much brighter and it'll take the high-current out of the dash

It only takes a few minutes to pull the switch. There is a spring-loaded push-button on the bottom of the housing that you have to depress in order to release the triangular shaft & knob. Once that is done, the little chrome bezel that holds it into the dash will unscrew and release the switch assembly down into the dash cavity. Call me if you need any help at 717-645-4912.

Shane Fedeli


Hershey, PA

--- In "", "pattypape" ..> wrote:


> Greg, that is the NAPA number for our 88 FC.

> It is a GM headlight switch, a split rocker switch. Headlights and parking lights, Ihave info on a pull up switch.


> Bill 88 FC Michigan



> --- In "", Greg Young wrote:

> >

> > Hi!

> >

> > We are in month 2 of our 6 month tour, and lost our headlights two days ago while driving. We made it into camp at 10pm on the driving lights. It's the dashboard headlight switch - it was getting flaky and I'm pretty sure it burned up, possibly along with connectors. I researched through the forum and the only part number for the switch I could find was NAPA HL6669. The local NAPA store didn't have it so I looked it up online and the only match I could find appears to be a split toggle switch - which will definitely not fit in the dash to replace the pull up design in our 86 PT-40.

> >

> > We will not be able to park long enough for me to disassemble the dash and get to the parts so I can match them up until Monday (we'll be doing only daylight driving until then). Can anyone advise a source and part numbers for the correct switch and connectors so that I can have them at hand when we park? I'm dedicating a day to the effort and am willing to pay overnight shipping so that we get the parts. I'll also be doing the headlight relay upgrade at the time...

> >

> > Thanks for all your help and experience!

> > Greg Young

> > 86 PT-40 "Bluefire"

> > Currently in Harrington ME, bound to Sheldon Spings VT and Niagara Falls NY (where the repairs will be done)

> > (760) 807-1727

> >

> > Each time you judge yourself you break your heart.

> > -Kirpal Venanji

> >



Re: kool o"matic roof fan

Posted by: "Joyce and Richard Hayden"


Fri Jun5,2009 2:49pm (PDT)

I have a fan and blade with the inside grill that I removed from our WL. It was working fine when removed and I will give it to anyone who is willing to pay the shipping charges. The reason for the removal is I installed a FanTastic in it's place.

Dick Hayden - '87 PT 38 - Lake Stevens, WA

----- Original Message -----

From: Leroy Eckert

To: ""

Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2009 4:31 AM

Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] kool o"matic roof fan

Try<>. I see the web site is still up. Use the telephone number as he is known to call back later. Perhaps he still has inventory. I purchased a motor over a year ago as a spare.

Leroy Eckert

1990 WB-40 Smoke N Mirrors

Dahlonega, GA

--- On Thu, 6/4/09, gasparillaglass <""> wrote:

From: gasparillaglass <"">

Subject: [WanderlodgeForum] kool o"matic roof fan

To: ""

Date: Thursday, June 4, 2009, 7:18 AM

I have a r-12 Kool O"matic roof fan that looks like it it taking its last breath

dose anyone know where to get a replacment motor ??

jamie Brandt

1990 wb-40

SW Florida


Re: kool o"matic roof fan

Posted by: "Ernie Ekberg"


Fri Jun5,2009 2:50pm (PDT)

Dick, which fan works the best?

Ernie Ekberg



Weatherford, Tx

--- On Fri, 6/5/09, Joyce and Richard Hayden <""> wrote:

From: Joyce and Richard Hayden <"">

Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] kool o"matic roof fan

To: ""

Date: Friday, June 5, 2009, 4:48 PM

I have a fan and blade with the inside grill that I removed from our WL.  It was working fine when removed and I will give it to anyone who is willing to pay the shipping charges.  The reason for the removal is I installed a FanTastic in it's place.


Dick Hayden - '87 PT 38 - Lake Stevens, WA

----- Original Message -----

From: Leroy Eckert

To: WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com

Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2009 4:31 AM

Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] kool o"matic roof fan

Try http://www.kool-o-matic. com. I see the web site is still up. Use the telephone number as he is known to call back later. Perhaps he still has inventory. I purchased a motor over a year ago as a spare.

Leroy Eckert

1990 WB-40 Smoke N Mirrors

Dahlonega, GA

--- On Thu, 6/4/09, gasparillaglass wrote:

From: gasparillaglass

Subject: [WanderlodgeForum] kool o"matic roof fan

To: WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com

Date: Thursday, June 4, 2009, 7:18 AM

I have a r-12 Kool O"matic roof fan that looks like it it taking its last breath

dose anyone know where to get a replacment motor ??

jamie Brandt

1990 wb-40

SW Florida


Re: kool o"matic roof fan

Posted by: "Joyce and Richard Hayden"


Fri Jun5,2009 3:13pm (PDT)

Hi Ernie,

You must be sittin right there on top of it.

We like the FanTastic because it can be closed tight where as the Kool o matic does leak some in the winter. I wondered when you were in MT in the winter if you had a problem with cold air leaking through the fan. The FanTastic will move lots of air but probably not as much as the Kool o matic does. The Kool o matic makes lots of noise to move lots of air.

Hope this helps.


Dick Hayden - '87 PT 38 - Lake Stevens, WA

----- Original Message -----

From: Ernie Ekberg

To: ""

Sent: Friday, June 05, 2009 2:50 PM

Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] kool o"matic roof fan

Dick, which fan works the best?

Ernie Ekberg



Weatherford, Tx<>

--- On Fri, 6/5/09, Joyce and Richard Hayden <""> wrote:

From: Joyce and Richard Hayden <"">

Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] kool o"matic roof fan

To: ""

Date: Friday, June 5, 2009, 4:48 PM

I have a fan and blade with the inside grill that I removed from our WL. It was working fine when removed and I will give it to anyone who is willing to pay the shipping charges. The reason for the removal is I installed a FanTastic in it's place.

Dick Hayden - '87 PT 38 - Lake Stevens, WA

----- Original Message -----

From: Leroy Eckert<>

To: WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com<>

Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2009 4:31 AM

Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] kool o"matic roof fan

Try http://www.kool-o-matic. com<>. I see the web site is still up. Use the telephone number as he is known to call back later. Perhaps he still has inventory. I purchased a motor over a year ago as a spare.

Leroy Eckert

1990 WB-40 Smoke N Mirrors

Dahlonega, GA

--- On Thu, 6/4/09, gasparillaglass>> wrote:

From: gasparillaglass

Subject: [WanderlodgeForum] kool o"matic roof fan

To: WanderlodgeForum@ yahoogroups. com

Date: Thursday, June 4, 2009, 7:18 AM

I have a r-12 Kool O"matic roof fan that looks like it it taking its last breath

dose anyone know where to get a replacment motor ??

jamie Brandt

1990 wb-40

SW Florida


Re: kool o"matic roof fan

Posted by: "Leroy Eckert"


Fri Jun5,2009 5:06pm (PDT)

For information mine is just the opposite. My bath Fanatic fan sounds like a jet plane and would not pull you hat off. The Kool O Matic is quiet and sucks plenty of air asap. My Kool O Matic has a factory cover made of metal. It won't leak in a flood. My Fanatic fan also has one of those covers. No hatch closing required.

Leroy Eckert

1990 WB-40 Smoke N Mirrors

Dahlonega, GA

--- On Fri, 6/5/09, Joyce and Richard Hayden <""> wrote:

From: Joyce and Richard Hayden <"">

Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] kool o"matic roof fan

To: ""

Date: Friday, June 5, 2009, 6:12 PM

Hi Ernie, 

You must be sittin right there on top of it. 

We like the FanTastic because it can be closed tight where as the Kool

o matic does leak some in the winter.  I wondered when you were in MT in
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06-06-2009, 14:20
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Wanderlodge Forum

Messages In This Digest (4 Messages)


Re: Shutting off the heat
From: Truckinl


Re: kool o"matic roof fan
From: altierb@...


Re: kool o"matic roof fan
From: rogerwwebb@...


Keyless entry pad now available
From: Fred Hulse



Re: Shutting off the heat

Posted by: "Truckinl"


Thu Jun4,2009 5:31am (PDT)

Hot all the time, replace the sporlan and bingo, hot only when the

switch is on for heat.

On a 87-89 FC the sporlan relay is located up behind the air filter.

David T

Northern WI.

Did have a 89 FC


Re: kool o"matic roof fan

Posted by: "altierb@..."


Thu Jun4,2009 6:47am (PDT)

I took mine to a motor shop and for $35 they went through it and it's like new.

Bryan Altier


Greenville, SC

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with Nextel Direct Connect

-----Original Message-----

From: "gasparillaglass" <"">

Date: Thu, 04 Jun 2009 11:18:26

To: <"">

Subject: [WanderlodgeForum] kool o"matic roof fan

I have a r-12 Kool O"matic roof fan that looks like it it taking its last breath

dose anyone know where to get a replacment motor ??

jamie Brandt

1990 wb-40

SW Florida


Re: kool o"matic roof fan

Posted by: "rogerwwebb@..."


Thu Jun4,2009 7:06am (PDT)

I had mine rebuilt by a motor shop for about the same amount.

Roger Webb


Cedar Rapids, IA

In a message dated 6/4/2009 8:48:06 A.M. Central Daylight Time,

"" writes:

I took mine to a motor shop and for $35 they went through it and it's like


Bryan Altier


Greenville, SC

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with Nextel Direct Connect


From: "gasparillaglass"

Date: Thu, 04 Jun 2009 11:18:26 -0000

To: WanderlodgeFWan>

Subject: [WanderlodgeForum] kool o"matic roof fan

I have a r-12 Kool O"matic roof fan that looks like it it taking its last


dose anyone know where to get a replacment motor ??

jamie Brandt

1990 wb-40

SW Florida

**************Limited Time Offers: Save big on popular laptops at Dell



Keyless entry pad now available

Posted by: "Fred Hulse"


Thu Jun4,2009 7:11am (PDT)

Some of you remember I was looking for the keyless entry keypad.

I have found a very few of these and are available for the those who want to replace or have on hand for future use.

The key pad is brand new original Ford units and can be shipped right away.

Please email me off forum.

Fred & Jeanne Hulse

Morristown Arizona

1997 Wanderlodge WLWB41

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