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On the road...
05-01-2007, 04:35
Post: #29
On the road...
If the site glass is green you should be good to go. I use the test
strips and a very long needle nose pliers to get the test strip down to
the coolant. If you want you can drain off some coolant by opening up
the pet-cock at the bottom inboard radiator can.

Curt Sprenger
1987 PT38 8V92 "MacAttack Racing"
Anaheim Hills, Calif.

Ryan Wright wrote:

> Got the bulk oil fill going - a little air was all she needed.
> Still haven't figured out how to check the coolant - must be a drain
> valve somewhere, I'd guess? Smile
> -Ryan
> On 5/1/07, Ryan Wright > > wrote:
> > OK, so how do I check the coolant? Pulled the cap off but there isn't
> > any coolant high enough in the fill tube for me to see. Below the fill
> > tube is the resorvoir with the little glass view-port and that's a
> > nice bright green, but wish I could draw a small amount of fluid out
> > somehow to look at it.
> >
> > Also... bulk oil fill system isn't working. She ate a little oil
> > through the mountains and I want to top off. Does the coach need to be
> > aired up for this? I seem to lose air after sitting more than 15-20
> > minutes. Suspension stays OK but everything else air-operated loses
> > pressure pretty quickly. All works fine when engine is running,
> > though.
> >
> > -Ryan
> > '86 PT-40 8v92
> >
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On the road... - Rob Robinson - 05-01-2007, 06:23
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