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Air horns
08-21-2006, 10:44
Post: #11
Air horns
After more thought, the problem may be in the button or the wiring associated
with the transfer from air to electric at the button. If the selector switch
in the air horn position is bad I wouldn't think the air horns would blow. It
is just a selector switch. Don't know how the button is wired. However, it
needs to know which one to blow. Ground the horn button and something will
blow. Just another guess.

Leroy Eckert
1990 WB40
Niceville, FL

----- Original Message -----
From: Leroy Eckert
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 5:15 PM
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Air horns

Ok, it's not the air transfer valve because the foot air horn works properly.
I wouldn't think it's in the horn button because the electric horn works
properly. Hummm, I'm trying to come up with a reason why it would be the
selector switch because it its on or off. Sounds like it may be something in
between. Wish I had my diagrams here.

Leroy Eckert
1990 WB40
Niceville, FL

Leroy Eckert
1990 WB40
Niceville, FL

----- Original Message -----
From: Richard Hayden
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 4:13 PM
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Air horns

Thanks for the reply Leroy. It seems that the dash switch might be going bad.
When it is in the "air horn" position it sticks on for varying amounts of time.
When the dash switch is in the "electric horn" position, everything seems to be
normal. No prolonged blasts. Maybe something is touching the switch terminal and
giving it a resistance ground or the switch itself is dirty inside and by
tapping the wheel it vibrates it and moves away and stops the air horn. Strange
though that it wouldn't do the same thing when the electric horn is used.
Anyway, everything works properly when the switch is in the electric position
and I can still use the air horn using the foot switch.

Thanx again.

Dick Hayden - '87 PT 38 - Lake Stevens, WA

----- Original Message -----
From: Leroy Eckert
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 1:43 PM
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Air horns

I don't have my diagrams in front of me but following the theory that air
horns do not blow without air , I would look for a valve that transfers coach
air to the horns. See how it is configured. It must have input and output air
and at least two wires, one for the foot switch and one for the horn button.
Track the wires back and go from there. Sounds like something is holding the
valve open, or if it's near the wheel after you whack it the valve closes. That
would indicate internal valve problems. Mine has another switch that changes the
wheel horn button from air to electric. The foot air horn remains operating on
air so I can play them together. Hope this guess helps you.

Leroy Eckert
Niceville, FL

----- Original Message -----
From: Richard Hayden
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 2:50 PM
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Air horns

PS - I'm not so smart alter all - NO RELAY. Now what? Both horns stay on after
button or foot switch is released and bumping the steering wheel stops them. Any

Dick Hayden - '87 PT 38 - Lake Stevens, WA
----- Original Message -----
From: Richard Hayden>
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 12:24 PM
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Air horns

Thanks Kevin,
I just discovered that I also have Grover horns. The product sheet in the Blue
Box indicated Jabsco and I was just going by that. Then I climbed up there and
dissembled the non working horn and discovered it was a Grover. I tried to call
them but it must have been lunch hour. I'll try again later. My problem now
seems to be a sticking relay. They blow for quite a long time. My wife
discovered that hitting the steering wheel would make them stop which probably
means that the relay is close enough to the steering column to be jarred by
hitting the wheel. Oh well, I'll keep looking.
My guess is that Grover may have made air horns for Jabsco at one time and
don't now. Years ago I installed Jabsco horns on several boats including my own.
But, that was a long time ago in another life.

Thanx again.

Dick Hayden - '87 PT 38 - Lake Stevens, WA

----- Original Message -----
krminyl@...>> ilto:krminyl@...>>>
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Air horns

My 86PT has airhorns manufactured by Grover...give them a call...they might
have parts or help in finding what you need.. Their website is:

(<><http://wwwgroverp\<>>< ://><<http://www.groverprodu\>>>)

Good luck....

Kevin Mc
86 38PT

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08-21-2006, 13:13
Post: #12
Air horns
I'm going from memory here, but believe that the foot-button for the
air horn in the '87 is still a valve, not a switch, so operates the
horn directly and has no connection to the electric air-horn valve
nor the selector switch.

The air-horn is actuated electrically by the skinner-valve / solenoid
in the leftmost side of the front overhead bin. Open the left-side
access panel and look left, ... way left, two wires and two black
1/4" air lines. It might be a sticky valve.

- Jeff Miller
in Holland, MI

--- In, "Leroy Eckert"
> Dick:
> Ok, it's not the air transfer valve because the foot air horn
works properly. I wouldn't think it's in the horn button because
the electric horn works properly. Hummm, I'm trying to come up with
a reason why it would be the selector switch because it its on or
off. Sounds like it may be something in between. Wish I had my
diagrams here.
> Leroy Eckert
> 1990 WB40
> Niceville, FL
> Leroy Eckert
> 1990 WB40
> Niceville, FL
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Richard Hayden
> To:
> Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 4:13 PM
> Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Air horns
> Thanks for the reply Leroy. It seems that the dash switch might
be going bad. When it is in the "air horn" position it sticks on for
varying amounts of time. When the dash switch is in the "electric
horn" position, everything seems to be normal. No prolonged blasts.
Maybe something is touching the switch terminal and giving it a
resistance ground or the switch itself is dirty inside and by tapping
the wheel it vibrates it and moves away and stops the air horn.
Strange though that it wouldn't do the same thing when the electric
horn is used. Anyway, everything works properly when the switch is in
the electric position and I can still use the air horn using the foot
> Thanx again.
> Dick Hayden - '87 PT 38 - Lake Stevens, WA
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Leroy Eckert
> To: om>
> Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 1:43 PM
> Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Air horns
> Dick:
> I don't have my diagrams in front of me but following the theory
that air horns do not blow without air , I would look for a valve
that transfers coach air to the horns. See how it is configured. It
must have input and output air and at least two wires, one for the
foot switch and one for the horn button. Track the wires back and go
from there. Sounds like something is holding the valve open, or if
it's near the wheel after you whack it the valve closes. That would
indicate internal valve problems. Mine has another switch that
changes the wheel horn button from air to electric. The foot air horn
remains operating on air so I can play them together. Hope this guess
helps you.
> Leroy Eckert
> 1990WB40
> Niceville, FL
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Richard Hayden
> To: om>
> Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 2:50 PM
> Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Air horns
> PS - I'm not so smart alter all - NO RELAY. Now what? Both horns
stay on after button or foot switch is released and bumping the
steering wheel stops them. Any suggestions?
> Dick Hayden - '87 PT 38 - Lake Stevens, WA
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Richard Hayden>
> To: om>>>
> Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 12:24 PM
> Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Air horns
> Thanks Kevin,
> I just discovered that I also have Grover horns. The product
sheet in the Blue Box indicated Jabsco and I was just going by that.
Then I climbed up there and dissembled the non working horn and
discovered it was a Grover. I tried to call them but it must have
been lunch hour. I'll try again later. My problem now seems to be a
sticking relay. They blow for quite a long time. My wife discovered
that hitting the steering wheel would make them stop which probably
means that the relay is close enough to the steering column to be
jarred by hitting the wheel. Oh well, I'll keep looking.
> My guess is that Grover may have made air horns for Jabsco at one
time and don't now. Years ago I installed Jabsco horns on several
boats including my own. But, that was a long time ago in another life.
> Thanx again.
> Dick Hayden - '87 PT 38 - Lake Stevens, WA
> ----- Original Message -----
> From:
> inyl@...>>>
> To: om>>>>>>>
> Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 11:48 AM
> Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Air horns
> My 86PT has airhorns manufactured by Grover...give them a
call...they might
> have parts or help in finding what you need.. Their website is:
> _www.groverproducts.com_
> Good luck....
> Kevin Mc
> 86 38PT
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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08-21-2006, 13:35
Post: #13
Air horns
Hi Again Leroy, Kevin and George.
I've got it working now by just leaving the selector switch in the electric
position. That's the way I normally use it anyway. I only had it in the air
position while in the garage testing why one of the air horns was not working.
Got that horn working ok now. So, I'll just call it quits until I have more
time to explore. The wiring diagram outlines a very simple circuit. Nothing
strange here. I was into the dash awhile back and should have looked into it
then as it was doing this at that time. But, oh well.

Thanks to you all for your help with this one.

Dick Hayden - '87 PT 38 - Lake Stevens, WA

----- Original Message -----
From: Leroy Eckert
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 3:44 PM
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Air horns

After more thought, the problem may be in the button or the wiring associated
with the transfer from air to electric at the button. If the selector switch in
the air horn position is bad I wouldn't think the air horns would blow. It is
just a selector switch. Don't know how the button is wired. However, it needs to
know which one to blow. Ground the horn button and something will blow. Just
another guess.

Leroy Eckert
1990 WB40
Niceville, FL

----- Original Message -----
From: Leroy Eckert
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 5:15 PM
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Air horns

Ok, it's not the air transfer valve because the foot air horn works properly.
I wouldn't think it's in the horn button because the electric horn works
properly. Hummm, I'm trying to come up with a reason why it would be the
selector switch because it its on or off. Sounds like it may be something in
between. Wish I had my diagrams here.

Leroy Eckert
1990 WB40
Niceville, FL

Leroy Eckert
1990 WB40
Niceville, FL

----- Original Message -----
From: Richard Hayden
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 4:13 PM
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Air horns

Thanks for the reply Leroy. It seems that the dash switch might be going bad.
When it is in the "air horn" position it sticks on for varying amounts of time.
When the dash switch is in the "electric horn" position, everything seems to be
normal. No prolonged blasts. Maybe something is touching the switch terminal and
giving it a resistance ground or the switch itself is dirty inside and by
tapping the wheel it vibrates it and moves away and stops the air horn. Strange
though that it wouldn't do the same thing when the electric horn is used.
Anyway, everything works properly when the switch is in the electric position
and I can still use the air horn using the foot switch.

Thanx again.

Dick Hayden - '87 PT 38 - Lake Stevens, WA

----- Original Message -----
From: Leroy Eckert>
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 1:43 PM
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Air horns

I don't have my diagrams in front of me but following the theory that air
horns do not blow without air , I would look for a valve that transfers coach
air to the horns. See how it is configured. It must have input and output air
and at least two wires, one for the foot switch and one for the horn button.
Track the wires back and go from there. Sounds like something is holding the
valve open, or if it's near the wheel after you whack it the valve closes. That
would indicate internal valve problems. Mine has another switch that changes the
wheel horn button from air to electric. The foot air horn remains operating on
air so I can play them together. Hope this guess helps you.

Leroy Eckert
Niceville, FL

----- Original Message -----
From: Richard Hayden
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 2:50 PM
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Air horns

PS - I'm not so smart alter all - NO RELAY. Now what? Both horns stay on after
button or foot switch is released and bumping the steering wheel stops them. Any

Dick Hayden - '87 PT 38 - Lake Stevens, WA
----- Original Message -----
From: Richard
Hayden mailto:rhhayden@...>>>
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 12:24 PM
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Air horns

Thanks Kevin,
I just discovered that I also have Grover horns. The product sheet in the Blue
Box indicated Jabsco and I was just going by that. Then I climbed up there and
dissembled the non working horn and discovered it was a Grover. I tried to call
them but it must have been lunch hour. I'll try again later. My problem now
seems to be a sticking relay. They blow for quite a long time. My wife
discovered that hitting the steering wheel would make them stop which probably
means that the relay is close enough to the steering column to be jarred by
hitting the wheel. Oh well, I'll keep looking.
My guess is that Grover may have made air horns for Jabsco at one time and
don't now. Years ago I installed Jabsco horns on several boats including my own.
But, that was a long time ago in another life.

Thanx again.

Dick Hayden - '87 PT 38 - Lake Stevens, WA

----- Original Message -----
krminyl@...>> ilto:krminyl@...>>> minyl@...> .com>>>>
>> om> com>>>>
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Air horns

My 86PT has airhorns manufactured by Grover...give them a call...they might
have parts or help in finding what you need.. Their website is:

(<><http://wwwgroverp\<>>< ://><<http://www.groverprodu\>>><<><http://\<>><http://www.groverproducts\

Good luck....

Kevin Mc
86 38PT

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Quote this message in a reply
08-21-2006, 14:19
Post: #14
Air horns
I first thought that it might be a sticky air valve too Jeff. However, with the
switch in the "electric" position the air horns work properly, and the electric
horns work properly as well. The print that I got from Earl Davis shows an
electric switch on the floor. But, I have not visually verified that.

Dick Hayden - '87 PT 38 - Lake Stevens, WA

----- Original Message -----
From: Jeff Miller
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 6:13 PM
Subject: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Air horns

I'm going from memory here, but believe that the foot-button for the
air horn in the '87 is still a valve, not a switch, so operates the
horn directly and has no connection to the electric air-horn valve
nor the selector switch.

The air-horn is actuated electrically by the skinner-valve / solenoid
in the leftmost side of the front overhead bin. Open the left-side
access panel and look left, ... way left, two wires and two black
1/4" air lines. It might be a sticky valve.

- Jeff Miller
in Holland, MI

--- In,
"Leroy Eckert"
> Dick:
> Ok, it's not the air transfer valve because the foot air horn
works properly. I wouldn't think it's in the horn button because
the electric horn works properly. Hummm, I'm trying to come up with
a reason why it would be the selector switch because it its on or
off. Sounds like it may be something in between. Wish I had my
diagrams here.
> Leroy Eckert
> 1990 WB40
> Niceville, FL
> Leroy Eckert
> 1990 WB40
> Niceville, FL
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Richard Hayden
> To:
> Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 4:13 PM
> Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Air horns
> Thanks for the reply Leroy. It seems that the dash switch might
be going bad. When it is in the "air horn" position it sticks on for
varying amounts of time. When the dash switch is in the "electric
horn" position, everything seems to be normal. No prolonged blasts.
Maybe something is touching the switch terminal and giving it a
resistance ground or the switch itself is dirty inside and by tapping
the wheel it vibrates it and moves away and stops the air horn.
Strange though that it wouldn't do the same thing when the electric
horn is used. Anyway, everything works properly when the switch is in
the electric position and I can still use the air horn using the foot
> Thanx again.
> Dick Hayden - '87 PT 38 - Lake Stevens, WA
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Leroy Eckert
> To: :WanderlodgeForum@...
> Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 1:43 PM
> Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Air horns
> Dick:
> I don't have my diagrams in front of me but following the theory
that air horns do not blow without air , I would look for a valve
that transfers coach air to the horns. See how it is configured. It
must have input and output air and at least two wires, one for the
foot switch and one for the horn button. Track the wires back and go
from there. Sounds like something is holding the valve open, or if
it's near the wheel after you whack it the valve closes. That would
indicate internal valve problems. Mine has another switch that
changes the wheel horn button from air to electric. The foot air horn
remains operating on air so I can play them together. Hope this guess
helps you.
> Leroy Eckert
> 1990WB40
> Niceville, FL
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Richard Hayden
> To: :WanderlodgeForum@...
> Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 2:50 PM
> Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Air horns
> PS - I'm not so smart alter all - NO RELAY. Now what? Both horns
stay on after button or foot switch is released and bumping the
steering wheel stops them. Any suggestions?
> Dick Hayden - '87 PT 38 - Lake Stevens, WA
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Richard Hayden>
> To: :WanderlodgeForum@...

om> com>>>
> Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 12:24 PM
> Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Air horns
> Thanks Kevin,
> I just discovered that I also have Grover horns. The product
sheet in the Blue Box indicated Jabsco and I was just going by that.
Then I climbed up there and dissembled the non working horn and
discovered it was a Grover. I tried to call them but it must have
been lunch hour. I'll try again later. My problem now seems to be a
sticking relay. They blow for quite a long time. My wife discovered
that hitting the steering wheel would make them stop which probably
means that the relay is close enough to the steering column to be
jarred by hitting the wheel. Oh well, I'll keep looking.
> My guess is that Grover may have made air horns for Jabsco at one
time and don't now. Years ago I installed Jabsco horns on several
boats including my own. But, that was a long time ago in another life.
> Thanx again.
> Dick Hayden - '87 PT 38 - Lake Stevens, WA
> ----- Original Message -----
> From:
> inyl@...>>>
> To: :WanderlodgeForum@...

om> com>>>>>>>>
> Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 11:48 AM
> Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Air horns
> My 86PT has airhorns manufactured by Grover...give them a
call...they might
> have parts or help in finding what you need.. Their website is:
> _www.groverproducts.com_

com/>>><http://wwwgrov<http://wwwgrov/><<>> tp://www.groverproduc<http://www.groverproduc/><<>>>>)
> Good luck....
> Kevin Mc
> 86 38PT
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Quote this message in a reply
05-21-2007, 03:17
Post: #15
Air horns
I went up to replace the chrome covers on my air horns and subsequently
realized that the turn freely in the brackets. So out of curiosity I
turned them and now they don't work? Ideas?

Quote this message in a reply
05-21-2007, 03:58
Post: #16
Air horns
They are a pretty simple item Keith. I would check to see if there is a
large thin washer at the back end. This was out of place on a friends horns
and when I repositioned it everything went back to normal. In my friends
case there weren't a lot of parts to go wrong so I hope that is the same for
your horns.

On 21/05/07, Keith Strehle wrote:
> I went up to replace the chrome covers on my air horns and subsequently
> realized that the turn freely in the brackets. So out of curiosity I
> turned them and now they don't work? Ideas?
> Keith
> 84FC35

Rob, Sue & Merlin Robinson

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05-21-2007, 04:08
Post: #17
Air horns
I suspect there is a hole in the horn that aligns with the air supply
in the rear bracket? I can hear the air hissing when I press the
foot button and they worked fine until I turned them? I mean,
otherwise how does the air enter the horn? I guess I need to find a
volunteer to push the button while I turn the horn???


--- In, "Rob Robinson"
> They are a pretty simple item Keith. I would check to see if there
is a
> large thin washer at the back end. This was out of place on a
friends horns
> and when I repositioned it everything went back to normal. In my
> case there weren't a lot of parts to go wrong so I hope that is the
same for
> your horns.
> On 21/05/07, Keith Strehle wrote:
> >
> > I went up to replace the chrome covers on my air horns and
> > realized that the turn freely in the brackets. So out of
curiosity I
> > turned them and now they don't work? Ideas?
> >
> > Keith
> > 84FC35
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Rob, Sue & Merlin Robinson
> 94 WLWB
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Quote this message in a reply
05-21-2007, 04:18
Post: #18
Air horns
Wear ear plugs, air is probably leaking out the rear,

Bill 88 FC Michigan

--- In, "Keith Strehle"
> I suspect there is a hole in the horn that aligns with the air
> in the rear bracket? I can hear the air hissing when I press the
> foot button and they worked fine until I turned them? I mean,
> otherwise how does the air enter the horn? I guess I need to find
> volunteer to push the button while I turn the horn???
> Keith
> 84FC35
> --- In, "Rob Robinson"
> wrote:
> >
> > They are a pretty simple item Keith. I would check to see if
> is a
> > large thin washer at the back end. This was out of place on a
> friends horns
> > and when I repositioned it everything went back to normal. In my
> friends
> > case there weren't a lot of parts to go wrong so I hope that is
> same for
> > your horns.
> >
> > On 21/05/07, Keith Strehle wrote:
> > >
> > > I went up to replace the chrome covers on my air horns and
> subsequently
> > > realized that the turn freely in the brackets. So out of
> curiosity I
> > > turned them and now they don't work? Ideas?
> > >
> > > Keith
> > > 84FC35
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Rob, Sue & Merlin Robinson
> > 94 WLWB
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
Quote this message in a reply
05-21-2007, 04:23
Post: #19
Air horns

If you are talking about the cover that keep bugs and road debris out of the
horn, they do no affect the functioning of the horn. I beleve if you look at
them they snap in. unlees they are somehow pushed in so that air cannot move in
the horn. Take another look at them.

Jim Riordan
Stuart, Fl

Keith Strehle wrote:
I went up to replace the chrome covers on my air horns and
realized that the turn freely in the brackets. So out of curiosity I
turned them and now they don't work? Ideas?


Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers from someone who knows.
Yahoo! Answers - Check it out.

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05-21-2007, 05:26
Post: #20
Air horns
Ear plugs! Great idea. The covers are not the problem. Turning
them in the bracket somehow caused this or it's simply a
coincidence? I suppose I'll go up there and take one of them out of
the brackets to see how they work.

I'll keep you posted.


--- In, jim riordan
> Keith,
> If you are talking about the cover that keep bugs and road debris
out of the horn, they do no affect the functioning of the horn. I
beleve if you look at them they snap in. unlees they are somehow
pushed in so that air cannot move in the horn. Take another look at
> Jim Riordan
> Stuart, Fl
> Keith Strehle wrote:
> I went up to replace the chrome covers on my air horns
and subsequently
> realized that the turn freely in the brackets. So out of curiosity
> turned them and now they don't work? Ideas?
> Keith
> 84FC35
> ---------------------------------
> Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers from
someone who knows.
> Yahoo! Answers - Check it out.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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