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Special request for a Bird wannabe
12-12-2006, 07:24
Post: #11
Special request for a Bird wannabe
The mid-entry pushers (which I also prefer) were built '95/'96/'97.
The other mid-door pusher would be the '89-'92 SP36 96" wide single-
axle pusher.

- Jeff Miller
in Holland, MI

--- In, "Don Bradner"
> Guess I'll speak for myself on this one - thanks to Bruce for the
> I'm concentrating on the 90-94 years. I've been watching the
market carefully since around August 1, and I have a personal
database built up from the various sites showing 30 PT40s between
1988 and 1996. Since that point on a US swing we visited Holland in
Michigan, Snyder's in Virginia, Bleakley in Georgia, and Motor Home
Specialists in Texas, where we got to see a goodly number of Birds
in person.
> Preference would be for mid-entry which would mean 1994 or later,
unless they did some custom prior to that. Since August 1, I'm only
aware of one mid-entry PT40 for sale, in Missouri. Listed at least
since early July. On Friday, when I became financially able to
negotiate in earnest (a few months earlier than expected, some
things fell into place) I called the guy, and he sold it Thursday.
> The wife says "NO LAMINATE INTERIORS, WOOD ONLY" and that cuts the
list exactly in half. Budget removes 5 from my list - price too high
to consider making an insulting offer. $184K for a '94? $150K for
a '90? I don't think so.
> We are in California, so I give some preference to Birds in the
west. There is a '90 at Desert West in Phoenix that interests us,
but I need some eyes-on with it. I'm leaning towards using a
professional inspection service, but I would also love to get a PT40-
savvy person to look at it. If there's someone who combines both,
I'd like to talk to them.
> On 12/12/2006 at 3:26 AM Jay Darst wrote:
> >Bruce,
> >
> >I have been contacted by several owners interested in moving
> >
> >What years would he consider?
> >
> >Jay Darst
> >85PT40
> >Springfield, IL
> >
> >
> >
> >--- In, "birdshill123"
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> Don Bradner has been posting in this forum. He is looking for a
> >I
> >> dont know if anyone else is familiar with Don but he owns the
> >Datastorm
> >> users forum and has written a lot of specialized software for
> >> satellite internet owners. Don posts on a lot of RV forums
> >> satellite internet and is extermely knowledgeable. He has
> >> thousands of RV owners. I am posting all of the above as I
would love
> >> to see him get some help from PT40 owners in this forum. Don
would be
> >a
> >> natural BB owner. Perhaps one of us knows of a good PT 40 that
is for
> >> sale.
> >>
> >> Bruce 1988 FC35
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> Don Bradner
Quote this message in a reply
12-12-2006, 07:25
Post: #12
Special request for a Bird wannabe
On 12/12/2006 at 12:54 PM Leroy Eckert wrote:

>Personally, I would not sell my coach for $140,000.00 because I cannot
>replace what I have for that kind of money.

Thanks for the persective, Leroy. I fully understand what you are saying,
although the quoted lines above only make sense when you consider that you are
probably not looking to sell! If you were, not being willing to take what buyers
are willing to pay means that, effectively, it wouldn't be for sale.

This will be my third coach. Had never RV'd in my life until less than 5 years
ago. Started with a used '98 Safari that I definitely paid too much for, and
with a proper inspection probably wouldn't have bought at any price. Traded up
to new in early '03, and have no regrets about what we got or the price we paid.
We will take a bath selling it, but we knew that before we bought it. 63,000
miles in a bit under 4 years, and we've pretty much beaten it into submission.

When we bought the '03, we said "5 year coach" and while we were a bit off, it
was close. Now we are looking with the idea that it could be the last one we
ever buy. Could be, but doesn't have to be.

There are quite a few of the coaches on the list I posted that I feel are priced
such that I might pay asking. That does not mean that I wouldn't try for less,
because a) I'm on a budget, and b) the less I spend the more I will have to fix
the inevitable problems.

Don Bradner
Bird Wannabe
Currently 2003 Safari Zanzibar
Quote this message in a reply
12-12-2006, 07:37
Post: #13
Special request for a Bird wannabe
Don't want to quibble too much, but the brochure at Vintage Birds says for 1994
"Mid-Door Option Available" and the one that was for sale in MO was a '94. Ads
for it are still up a few places, including here:

My current coach is a mid-door, and it was a feature we specifically wanted and
would want again. In talking with people over the past few years I think close
to 50% prefer mid (other 50% often hate it), especially those who have
experienced it with a gas rig. Unfortunately, very few mid-entry DPs have been
made. Standard with Newell, of course.

On 12/12/2006 at 7:24 PM Jeff Miller wrote:

>The mid-entry pushers (which I also prefer) were built '95/'96/'97.
>The other mid-door pusher would be the '89-'92 SP36 96" wide single-
>axle pusher.
> - Jeff Miller
>in Holland, MI

Don Bradner
Bird Wannabe
Currently 2003 Safari Zanzibar
Quote this message in a reply
12-12-2006, 08:08
Post: #14
Special request for a Bird wannabe
Sounds like you are on the right track. Typically, buying and selling is not a
profitable deal as you have stated.

A willing buyer and willing seller establish the price. I also believe that an
educated willing buyer will take into consideration extensive upgrades if he/she
really wants the unit and those upgrades; of course that is to a point.

I'm very fortunate to own a coach with several expensive upgrades. I hope you
are able to locate something special in your established price range. Look
forward to seeing you out on the road.

Leroy Eckert
1990 WB-40 "Smoke N Mirrors"
Niceville, FL

----- Original Message -----
From: Don Bradner
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 1:25 PM
Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Special request for a Bird wannabe

On 12/12/2006 at 12:54 PM Leroy Eckert wrote:

>Personally, I would not sell my coach for $140,000.00 because I cannot
>replace what I have for that kind of money.

Thanks for the persective, Leroy. I fully understand what you are saying,
although the quoted lines above only make sense when you consider that you are
probably not looking to sell! If you were, not being willing to take what buyers
are willing to pay means that, effectively, it wouldn't be for sale.

This will be my third coach. Had never RV'd in my life until less than 5 years
ago. Started with a used '98 Safari that I definitely paid too much for, and
with a proper inspection probably wouldn't have bought at any price. Traded up
to new in early '03, and have no regrets about what we got or the price we paid.
We will take a bath selling it, but we knew that before we bought it. 63,000
miles in a bit under 4 years, and we've pretty much beaten it into submission.

When we bought the '03, we said "5 year coach" and while we were a bit off, it
was close. Now we are looking with the idea that it could be the last one we
ever buy. Could be, but doesn't have to be.

There are quite a few of the coaches on the list I posted that I feel are
priced such that I might pay asking. That does not mean that I wouldn't try for
less, because a) I'm on a budget, and b) the less I spend the more I will have
to fix the inevitable problems.

Don Bradner
Bird Wannabe
Currently 2003 Safari Zanzibar

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Quote this message in a reply
12-12-2006, 08:57
Post: #15
Special request for a Bird wannabe
Just like you mentioned.."your 1990PT is worth $140,000", I feel the
same about my "cherry" 1990SP36 with only 41,000 miles on it that it
is worth $90,000 BUT nobody wants to pay that much so I am keeping
it!!!Many will end up buying a "beater bird" and end up putting more
money into it! BEWARE buyers....check out your BIRD with a
knowledgable Forum owner like RALPH..BEFORE you buy!!
Hank Hannigan
1980FC31..for sale at Quartsite, AZ BIRD RALLY nd January.$31,000

In, "Leroy Eckert"
> Three years ago we were in your shoes. We began searching with
our eyes wide open, without any knowledge and a heavy dose of Cavet
Emptor. We did what you are doing, gathering data on coaches. We
identified, looked at and eliminated about 13 coaches Bluebird and
Prevost before taking one last shot at it. We found a Prevost in
the Trader rag and a Bird on the net. You know, I can tell ya it
gets pricey running around looking at motorhomes.
> We looked at the Prevost in Tampa and bought the Bird on the spot
in Wilmington, NC. In our case, we paid the asking price because
the owner wasn't budging one dollar. He did not accept my offer and
he did not run me off. It was more than I wanted to pay but time
has proven I got what I paid for. The coach was well cared for and
the paper work in order. The owner was a knowledgable Bird owner,
had 2 prior to the one we bought, and is now a Prevost owner
getting ready to return to a Bird. He pointed out everything he
knew and was honest about it. We have remained friends and meet at
the races at Talladega.
> I wouldn't suggest anyone follow our path, just sharing our
experience. If you don't feel good about inspecting the Bird to Be
someone out there who knows will do it for you. Don't be afraid to
make an offer, pick the price you are willing to pay and see what
happens. You never know, you might own a Bird. If it doesn't work
out, there is another one out there.
> Personally, I would not sell my coach for $140,000.00 because I
cannot replace what I have for that kind of money.
> Leroy Eckert
> 1990 WB-40 "Smoke N Mirrors"
> Niceville, FL
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Don Bradner
> To:
> Sent: Monday, December 11, 2006 9:49 PM
> Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Special request for a Bird
> Guess I'll speak for myself on this one - thanks to Bruce for
the intro.
> I'm concentrating on the 90-94 years. I've been watching the
market carefully since around August 1, and I have a personal
database built up from the various sites showing 30 PT40s between
1988 and 1996. Since that point on a US swing we visited Holland in
Michigan, Snyder's in Virginia, Bleakley in Georgia, and Motor Home
Specialists in Texas, where we got to see a goodly number of Birds
in person.
> Preference would be for mid-entry which would mean 1994 or
later, unless they did some custom prior to that. Since August 1,
I'm only aware of one mid-entry PT40 for sale, in Missouri. Listed
at least since early July. On Friday, when I became financially able
to negotiate in earnest (a few months earlier than expected, some
things fell into place) I called the guy, and he sold it Thursday.
> The wife says "NO LAMINATE INTERIORS, WOOD ONLY" and that cuts
the list exactly in half. Budget removes 5 from my list - price too
high to consider making an insulting offer. $184K for a '94? $150K
for a '90? I don't think so.
> We are in California, so I give some preference to Birds in the
west. There is a '90 at Desert West in Phoenix that interests us,
but I need some eyes-on with it. I'm leaning towards using a
professional inspection service, but I would also love to get a PT40-
savvy person to look at it. If there's someone who combines both,
I'd like to talk to them.
> On 12/12/2006 at 3:26 AM Jay Darst wrote:
> >Bruce,
> >
> >I have been contacted by several owners interested in moving
> >
> >What years would he consider?
> >
> >Jay Darst
> >85PT40
> >Springfield, IL
> >
> >
> >
> >--- In, "birdshill123"
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> Don Bradner has been posting in this forum. He is looking for
a Bird.
> >I
> >> dont know if anyone else is familiar with Don but he owns the
> >Datastorm
> >> users forum and has written a lot of specialized software for
> >> satellite internet owners. Don posts on a lot of RV forums
> >> satellite internet and is extermely knowledgeable. He has
> >> thousands of RV owners. I am posting all of the above as I
would love
> >> to see him get some help from PT40 owners in this forum. Don
would be
> >a
> >> natural BB owner. Perhaps one of us knows of a good PT 40
that is for
> >> sale.
> >>
> >> Bruce 1988 FC35
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> Don Bradner
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Quote this message in a reply
12-12-2006, 09:16
Post: #16
Special request for a Bird wannabe
I agree and I do not blame you for keeping her. Are you still down under?

Leroy Eckert
1990 WB-40 "Smoke N Mirrors"
Niceville, FL

----- Original Message -----
From: Henry Jay Hannigan
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 2:57 PM
Subject: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Special request for a Bird wannabe

Just like you mentioned.."your 1990PT is worth $140,000", I feel the
same about my "cherry" 1990SP36 with only 41,000 miles on it that it
is worth $90,000 BUT nobody wants to pay that much so I am keeping
it!!!Many will end up buying a "beater bird" and end up putting more
money into it! BEWARE buyers....check out your BIRD with a
knowledgable Forum owner like RALPH..BEFORE you buy!!
Hank Hannigan
1980FC31..for sale at Quartsite, AZ BIRD RALLY nd January.$31,000

In, "Leroy Eckert"
> Three years ago we were in your shoes. We began searching with
our eyes wide open, without any knowledge and a heavy dose of Cavet
Emptor. We did what you are doing, gathering data on coaches. We
identified, looked at and eliminated about 13 coaches Bluebird and
Prevost before taking one last shot at it. We found a Prevost in
the Trader rag and a Bird on the net. You know, I can tell ya it
gets pricey running around looking at motorhomes.
> We looked at the Prevost in Tampa and bought the Bird on the spot
in Wilmington, NC. In our case, we paid the asking price because
the owner wasn't budging one dollar. He did not accept my offer and
he did not run me off. It was more than I wanted to pay but time
has proven I got what I paid for. The coach was well cared for and
the paper work in order. The owner was a knowledgable Bird owner,
had 2 prior to the one we bought, and is now a Prevost owner
getting ready to return to a Bird. He pointed out everything he
knew and was honest about it. We have remained friends and meet at
the races at Talladega.
> I wouldn't suggest anyone follow our path, just sharing our
experience. If you don't feel good about inspecting the Bird to Be
someone out there who knows will do it for you. Don't be afraid to
make an offer, pick the price you are willing to pay and see what
happens. You never know, you might own a Bird. If it doesn't work
out, there is another one out there.
> Personally, I would not sell my coach for $140,000.00 because I
cannot replace what I have for that kind of money.
> Leroy Eckert
> 1990 WB-40 "Smoke N Mirrors"
> Niceville, FL
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Don Bradner
> To:
> Sent: Monday, December 11, 2006 9:49 PM
> Subject: Re: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Special request for a Bird
> Guess I'll speak for myself on this one - thanks to Bruce for
the intro.
> I'm concentrating on the 90-94 years. I've been watching the
market carefully since around August 1, and I have a personal
database built up from the various sites showing 30 PT40s between
1988 and 1996. Since that point on a US swing we visited Holland in
Michigan, Snyder's in Virginia, Bleakley in Georgia, and Motor Home
Specialists in Texas, where we got to see a goodly number of Birds
in person.
> Preference would be for mid-entry which would mean 1994 or
later, unless they did some custom prior to that. Since August 1,
I'm only aware of one mid-entry PT40 for sale, in Missouri. Listed
at least since early July. On Friday, when I became financially able
to negotiate in earnest (a few months earlier than expected, some
things fell into place) I called the guy, and he sold it Thursday.
> The wife says "NO LAMINATE INTERIORS, WOOD ONLY" and that cuts
the list exactly in half. Budget removes 5 from my list - price too
high to consider making an insulting offer. $184K for a '94? $150K
for a '90? I don't think so.
> We are in California, so I give some preference to Birds in the
west. There is a '90 at Desert West in Phoenix that interests us,
but I need some eyes-on with it. I'm leaning towards using a
professional inspection service, but I would also love to get a PT40-
savvy person to look at it. If there's someone who combines both,
I'd like to talk to them.
> On 12/12/2006 at 3:26 AM Jay Darst wrote:
> >Bruce,
> >
> >I have been contacted by several owners interested in moving
> >
> >What years would he consider?
> >
> >Jay Darst
> >85PT40
> >Springfield, IL
> >
> >
> >
> >--- In, "birdshill123"
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> Don Bradner has been posting in this forum. He is looking for
a Bird.
> >I
> >> dont know if anyone else is familiar with Don but he owns the
> >Datastorm
> >> users forum and has written a lot of specialized software for
> >> satellite internet owners. Don posts on a lot of RV forums
> >> satellite internet and is extermely knowledgeable. He has
> >> thousands of RV owners. I am posting all of the above as I
would love
> >> to see him get some help from PT40 owners in this forum. Don
would be
> >a
> >> natural BB owner. Perhaps one of us knows of a good PT 40
that is for
> >> sale.
> >>
> >> Bruce 1988 FC35
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> Don Bradner
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Quote this message in a reply
12-12-2006, 14:35
Post: #17
Special request for a Bird wannabe
Got me there, I've never seen a mid-door '94 but I've been in plenty
of '95-'97 mid-door Wanderlodges.

I'm not sure what the production numbers are on the '94 mid-door,
pretty rare '95-'97.

Personally I like mid-door, wish they'd built them for more years.
There are disadvantages, but depending on how you use your coach the
mid-door layout can be much nicer to use than a front-door. Kind of
like the slideout vs no-slide camps, good logic in both.

Best of luck finding one to fit your needs, patience will serve you
well there.

- Jeff Miller
in Holland, MI

--- In, "Don Bradner"
> Don't want to quibble too much, but the brochure at Vintage Birds
says for 1994 "Mid-Door Option Available" and the one that was for
sale in MO was a '94. Ads for it are still up a few places, including
> My current coach is a mid-door, and it was a feature we specifically
wanted and would want again. In talking with people over the past few
years I think close to 50% prefer mid (other 50% often hate it),
especially those who have experienced it with a gas rig.
Unfortunately, very few mid-entry DPs have been made. Standard with
Newell, of course.
Quote this message in a reply
12-15-2006, 08:30
Post: #18
Special request for a Bird wannabe

On the '97s, would that be a 60S motor?

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Jeff Miller
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 1:25 PM
Subject: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Special request for a Bird wannabe

The mid-entry pushers (which I also prefer) were built '95/'96/'97.
The other mid-door pusher would be the '89-'92 SP36 96" wide single-
axle pusher.

- Jeff Miller
in Holland, MI

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12-15-2006, 13:43
Post: #19
Special request for a Bird wannabe
In '95 and '96 the 42' had the S-60 with HD-4060 six-speed double-
overdrive trans where the 40' had DD 8V92 with 5-speed trans.

In '97 both the 41 and 43 had S-60 and six-speed, with a lowered
engine deck for nicer rear closet on the cross-bed floorplan. '97
also had the liftable tag-axle, my favorite year/model is the '97
43' mid-door cross-bed, even like the offset/side isle some times.

- Jeff Miller
in Holland, MI

--- In, "The Squires" squires@...> wrote:
> Jeff,
> On the '97s, would that be a 60S motor?
> Jimmy
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Jeff Miller
> Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 1:25 PM
> To:
> Subject: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Special request for a Bird
> The mid-entry pushers (which I also prefer) were
built '95/'96/'97.
> The other mid-door pusher would be the '89-'92 SP36 96" wide
> axle pusher.
> - Jeff Miller
> in Holland, MI
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> c.. 1New Links
> Visit Your Group
> a.. Automotive advertising
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> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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12-15-2006, 14:25
Post: #20
Special request for a Bird wannabe
Thanks Jeff. I need a mid-door and cross bed due to wheelchair needs. I
had come the the same conclusion since I really would like a 4 stroke.

Bird wannabe
1997 Georgieboy DP

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Jeff Miller
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2006 7:43 PM
Subject: [WanderlodgeForum] Re: Special request for a Bird wannabe

In '95 and '96 the 42' had the S-60 with HD-4060 six-speed double-
overdrive trans where the 40' had DD 8V92 with 5-speed trans.

In '97 both the 41 and 43 had S-60 and six-speed, with a lowered
engine deck for nicer rear closet on the cross-bed floorplan. '97
also had the liftable tag-axle, my favorite year/model is the '97
43' mid-door cross-bed, even like the offset/side isle some times.

- Jeff Miller
in Holland, MI

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